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If you’re looking for a book series for your library or classroom, look no further.

Got this email from a teacher, and it made me smile: 

“I’m teaching at Cookson Hills Christian School now and I brought The Mod Code up to the school. One of my 8th graders just finished reading it and she LOVED it!! She said most books start out a bit boring while the plot builds, but yours had her hooked from the first moment. She read a lot of novels. She can’t wait for books 2 and 3 to come. Our librarian ordered them. We are wondering if you have the 4th book out?”

This is literally one of the best parts about being an author: When readers enjoy the books you write. If you’re a teacher or librarian, kick off the school year by adding The Mod Code series to your classroom or library!

Check out:

Happy September!
